
Concert Recordings

Filename / LinkSize
1_ MuckinGeordisByre.mp33.1 Mb
2_ ChantersTune.mp32.61 Mb
3_ DaSneugWaterWaltz.mp34.99 Mb
4_ HoresburghCastle.mp34.83 Mb
5_ MaxwellsRant.mp35.56 Mb
6_ CalumsRoad.mp36.87 Mb
7_ LuceWoman.mp37.85 Mb
8_ FlowersSet.mp37.65 Mb

Concert Sets

Filename / LinkSize
Calum Breugach, Birds Nest, Miss Shepherd, Gladstone - all tunes and parts.pdf179.16 Kb
Calum's Road, The Hut on Staffin Island.pdf78.13 Kb
Flowers of Edinburgh Set.pdf113.67 Kb
Jig Set - Muckin, Wife, Stool.pdf409.22 Kb
Luce Women, Michie, McDonald.pdf277.5 Kb
MSR Horsburgh Castle, Miss Girdle.pdf166.98 Kb
Mabou and more - Mabou Strathspey, Francis Beatons, Miss Brander, Raivlin.pdf431.51 Kb
March Strathspey and Reel - Chanter's Tune, Lime Hill, Mill Burn.pdf83.72 Kb
Marches and Reels - Gairloch, KON, Up-Downey.pdf166.94 Kb
McBain, Princess Royal, Miss Hutton, McBain.pdf194.92 Kb
Michie and McDonald's Cape Breton Home.pdf57.79 Kb
Pulling Bracken Set - all parts.pdf129.6 Kb
Ramble, Cromdale, Hull.pdf420.45 Kb
Scotch Measures - Maxwell's Rant, Bonnie Charlie, Punchbowl.pdf315.33 Kb
Sligo, Blacktown and Shanghai - all tunes and parts.pdf183.75 Kb
Slow Reel and Jigs - Badger, Dragon, DeJarlis.pdf162.13 Kb
Strathspey and Reels - Robertson's Rant, Ladle and Calum.pdf111.37 Kb
Strathspeys and Reels Miss L, Kebbuck, Tail Toddle, Jenny Dang, Raivlin - DRAFT.pdf180.26 Kb
Sydney Jigs.pdf480.78 Kb
The Stornoway Waltz.pdf150.3 Kb

Tune Recordings

Filename / LinkSize
2016-11 FaroeRum.m4a702.81 Kb
2017-05 TheKirrieKebbuck.m4a677.98 Kb
2017-06 LimeHill.m4a361.99 Kb
2017-07 LordMacDonaldsReel.m4a377.93 Kb
2017-09 David England's Septuple Jig.m4a952.78 Kb
2017-10 Jenny Dang the Weaver.MP3528.39 Kb
2017-11 Colonel McBain.m4a985.25 Kb
2018-01 My Cape Breton Home.m4a733.17 Kb
2018-02 The Princess Royal.m4a333.11 Kb
2018-04 Luce Women Waltz.m4a686.38 Kb
2018-05 AF of Auchiltibuie and Glebe.m4a895.81 Kb
2018-08 The Seagull.m4a761.64 Kb
2018-11 Mrs Jane Douglas's Favourite.mp31.42 Mb
2018-12 Tail Toddle.m4a634 Kb
2019-01 Miss L Montgomery of Skelmorie.m4a632.1 Kb
2019-11 Passing Place.m4a1008.05 Kb
2020-07 Andy DeJarlis.m4a1.09 Mb
2020-07 Calum Findlay.m4a705.09 Kb
2020-08 The Soup Dragon.m4a743.08 Kb
2021-06 Horsburgh Castle.m4a4.92 Mb
2021-09 Bonnie Charlie.m4a3.21 Mb
2021-10 Maxwell's Rant.m4a3.24 Mb


Filename / LinkSize
2016 FaroeRum.pdf9.49 Kb
2016 Laura and Athena.pdf20.45 Kb
2016 Mary Scott, Flower of Yarrow.pdf16.12 Kb
2016 Rowan Davies waltz.pdf104.69 Kb
2016 The Islay Rant.pdf19.97 Kb
2017-05 The Kirrie Kebbuck.pdf28.83 Kb
2017-06 LimeHill.pdf17.84 Kb
2017-06 Mr Michie's.pdf21.04 Kb
2017-07 Lord MacDonald's Reel.pdf21.12 Kb
2017-08 The Raivlin Reel.pdf40.3 Kb
2017-09 David England's Septuple.pdf67.88 Kb
2017-10 Jenny Dang the Weaver.pdf667.29 Kb
2017-11 Colonel McBain chords - treble clef (violin).pdf29.46 Kb
2017-11 Colonel McBain.pdf76.01 Kb
2018-01 My Cape Breton Home.pdf53.66 Kb
2018-02 The Princess Royal.pdf52.2 Kb
2018-03 Miss Hutton.pdf76.25 Kb
2018-04 Luce Women Waltz.pdf140.03 Kb
2018-05 AF of Auchiltibuie and Glebe.pdf59.51 Kb
2018-07 Chanter's Tune.pdf53.38 Kb
2018-08 The Seagull.pdf77.8 Kb
2018-09 Hard is My Fate.pdf47.74 Kb
2018-11 Mrs Jane Douglas.pdf56.68 Kb
2018-12 Tail Toddle.pdf44.4 Kb
2019-01 Miss L Montgomerie.pdf63.58 Kb
2019-07 Da Tushkar.pdf249.11 Kb
2019-09 The Mill Burn.pdf50.95 Kb
2019-11 Passing Place.pdf16.64 Kb
2020-02 Ladar Mor A'Chogain (Big Ladle of the Cog).pdf50.9 Kb
2020-03 Frank's Reel.pdf88.85 Kb
2020-07 Andy DeJarlis.pdf118.55 Kb
2020-07 Calum Finlay.pdf119.02 Kb
2020-08 The Soup Dragon.pdf145.39 Kb
2020-09 Maureen's Jig.pdf56.21 Kb
2020-10 Crabbit Shona (The Remix).pdf115.18 Kb
2021-03 Da Sneug Water Waltz.pdf169.55 Kb
2021-04 Miss Girdle.pdf106.42 Kb
2021-06 Horsburgh Castle.pdf147.32 Kb
2021-09 Bonnie Charlie.pdf127.29 Kb
2021-10 Maxwell's Rant.pdf128.35 Kb
2021-11 Bottom of the Punchbowl.pdf89.86 Kb
2021-12 Deck the Halls.pdf71.6 Kb
2022-06 Jack's Jig.pdf194.56 Kb
2022-08 Mabou Strathspey on D.pdf128.85 Kb
2022-10 Francis Beaton's.pdf171.78 Kb
2022-11 Miss Brander.pdf305.94 Kb
2022-12 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.pdf61.72 Kb
2023-05 S cian bho dh fhag me Leodas (It's been a long time).pdf45.07 Kb
2023-07 Lochaber Badger.pdf163.04 Kb
2023-08 KON Artist.pdf166.37 Kb
2024-02 Captain Campbell, Brenda Stubberts.pdf84.56 Kb
2024-06 New Jorum Reel.pdf105.73 Kb
2024-07 Ramble Away.m4a893.37 Kb
2024-07 Ramble Away.pdf106.91 Kb
2024-08 Haughs of Cromdale.pdf137.76 Kb
2024-09 Hull's Reel.pdf207.83 Kb

Upcoming Gigs

Filename / LinkSize
2025-01 SSF Concert Set Jan-Apr 2025 (draft).pdf220.86 Kb
Sydney Scottish Session Book.pdf1.6 Mb

Archived Gigs

Filename / LinkSize
2016-04-30 Epping Easy Dance Social - SSF.pdf1.18 Mb
2016-05-21 Beecroft Matinee Social - SSF.pdf1.23 Mb
2016-11-14 Demo at Ryde Library.pdf409.64 Kb
2017-04-29 Epping Club Easy Dance Social - SSF book.pdf678.79 Kb
2022-10-02 SSF APBC - Set List (as of 2022-09-24).pdf164.75 Kb
2022-10-02 SSF APBC - Set List (word doc for editing).docx34.82 Kb
2023-04-01 SSF Bundanoon Highland Gathering - Set List.pdf211.33 Kb
2024-01-20 SSF Illawarra Folk Festival - Set List (word doc for editing).docx37.5 Kb
2024-01-20 SSF Illawarra Folk Festival - Set List.pdf222.03 Kb
2024-03-17 SSF Alan Walker Village - Set List (word doc for editing) copy.docx35.29 Kb
2024-03-17 SSF Alan Walker Village - Set List.pdf202.71 Kb
2024-04-06 SSF Bundanoon 2024 (draft) (word doc for editing).docx36.24 Kb
2024-04-06 SSF Bundanoon 2024 (draft).pdf210.54 Kb